The Town of Northborough, Massachusetts

Real Property Assessment Data

The following information is provided as a public service by the Town of Northborough's Assessor's Department. The information contained reflects fiscal year 2024 assessments with a valuation date of January 1, 2023.

FY2024 tax rate is $14.28 per $1,000 of value.

If you have any questions regarding the data contained in our database, please contact the Assessor's Office.

Using the HOME tab, enter search criteria in the upper left corner.

BY STREET In the Street name field: Type street name only (do not type out Street, Road, Lane, etc.). Select the parcel by clicking on the Parcel ID.
BY OWNER In the Owner field: Type in last name only. Select the parcel by clicking on the Parcel ID.
BY PARCEL In the Parcel field: Type in the map-block-lot in the required format which is shown below, hit enter. Select the parcel by clicking on the Parcel ID. EXAMPLE: 05-0009-033-0 (format must be XX-XXXX-XXX-X)


To Print a Property Record Card Click on Assessors Record Card located at the top left of the screen. Send it to your printer.